For us, it is New Year New Us
When we moved into our current Zero Waste Store in Loughborough in January 2021, we did not think we will outgrow it. Today, we have a small warehouse to devote to our online orders and the Shop is brimming with so many ecofriendly and sustainable items. Now we need to ensure our brand fully represents what we do and where we are going as a business. We have received our Christmas gift early – We have a new name

“Eco Replenishers” represents all we aim to become in the foreseeable future: responsible, ethical, affordable, sustainable and accessible to all, for a more sustainable environment. “Replenish and not deplete” as our tag line has always been and replenishing in a sustainable way. Our icon shows that whatever you sow is what you will reap. You sow dirt, you reap pollution. If we live sustainably, we will reap a well replenished and nurtured environment
About new website or product links
You will not need to do anything to keep ordering from us as our current website links will automatically connect you with the new web page when we switch in the new year.