Loughborough’s plastic-free, Zero waste shop gets bigger with food refill station | The Cleaning Cabinet

The Clesning Cabinet opens our second but bigger shop in January 2021 on Baxter Gate Loughborough. We believe everone shouls have access to affordable sustainable essentials such as plastic free, vegan, palm oil free and animal cruelty free items. Our products categories fall under The Cleaning  Cabinet (cleaning, washing and personal care essentials) and The Food Cabinet (dry food, nuts, baking, diary-free and gluten-free options as well as spices, your cooking companions).

Exploring the Zero waste food section at The Cleaning Cabinet

What is great about the cleaning cabinet is that not only does it offer essential cleaning and household products, it offers a wide range of zero waste foods. As an athlete I am constantly eating to help refuel my body as well as prepare for the next training session. The Cleaning Cabinet does a great […]

Aluminium VS Plastic: What’s the better choice?

Plastic is widely used in our day to day lives but how often do we consider it’s longterm impact and other sustainable alternatives? Today I’m going to talk to you about aluminium and why it is a much more sustainable alternative to plastic. First of all, aluminium is much more durable than plastic, it can withstand longer-term use and makes it perfect to be reused or repurposed (almost forever). In fact, about 75% of aluminium ever made is still in use today.