As of my last update, the circular economy in the UK was gaining momentum, driven by the need to reduce waste, keep resources in use for as long as possible, and regenerate natural systems. Some of the trends within the circular economy movement in the UK include:

1. **Regulations and Government Initiatives:**
– The UK government has been backing various regulations to promote circular economy practices, including plastic packaging taxes and policies encouraging product stewardship and extended producer responsibility.
– Initiatives like The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) work together with governments, businesses, and communities to deliver practical solutions to improve resource efficiency.

2. **Sustainable Design:**
– A push for designing products with their end-of-life in mind, to ensure that materials can be reused or recycled, reducing waste and encouraging sustainability.
– Companies are increasingly adopting cradle-to-cradle design principles, which consider the entire lifecycle of a product from material selection to end-of-life.

3. **Repair and Reuse:**
– The rise in repair cafes and initiatives that encourage fixing electronics, appliances, and clothing rather than discarding them.
– Some UK retailers have started offering repair services or take-back schemes for clothing and electronics.

4. **Circular Business Models:**
– There is a growing trend of businesses adopting models like product-as-a-service, where products are leased rather than sold, which encourages the manufacturer to create durable goods and facilitates easier recycling or upgrading.
– There’s an uptick in sharing economy platforms in the UK, which maximize the use of goods and services, reducing the need for new products.

5. **Recycling Innovations:**
– Investment in advanced recycling technologies is allowing for more complex materials to be recycled effectively.
– Innovations such as chemical recycling for plastics are emerging to complement traditional mechanical recycling methods.

6. **Collaborations and Partnerships:**
– Businesses are increasingly partnering with other companies, NGOs, and governments for circular solutions. For instance, collaborations that create closed-loop recycling systems where waste from one company is used as a resource for another.

7. **Consumer Awareness and Participation:**
– There is an increasing consumer demand for sustainable products and business practices, leading companies to adopt circular economy principles.
– UK consumers are increasingly engaging in circular practices such as purchasing second-hand goods or choosing products with sustainable packaging.

8. **Investment in Circular Economy Startups:**
– Financial investment is growing in startups that are focused on circular economy solutions, from waste management to new materials.

9. **Digital Technology:**
– The role of digital technology like AI, IoT, and blockchain to enable product tracking, resource management, and efficient material flows is becoming more prominent.

These trends are reflective of a broader global shift toward sustainability and responsible resource management. They can be subject to rapid change due to innovation, legislation, market pressures, and social attitudes. It’s always recommended to seek the latest information to stay updated on current trends.