Which micro-organisms are unique to carpets?

When it comes to carpet cleaning, you need the knowledge of what to clean and how to go about cleaning it. Every surface has unique characteristics, which encourages different types of micro-organism to breed and spread.


Carpet fibres make an ideal home for dust mites, especially under the right conditions and temperature.

What are dust mites?

Dust mites are insects, microscopic to the eyes, they hide and live within the carpet fibre. In fact, they feed on flakes of dead skin from the human body, due to where their food comes from, they thrive in normal human habitation. The not so nice part of dust mites in houses is that; they are common causes of various allergic symptoms and can trigger asthmatic reactions too.

How do we prevent dust mites from spreading?

Has your carpet been shampooed regularly? In a normal household where shoes are worn in the house, carpet cleaning should be carried out twice annually.

How to maintain your carpets

Keep it vacuumed at least once a week. If food and drink spills, make sure to soak a rag cloth in soapy water and carefully remove dirt. We know accidents happen, but the majority of carpet stains will not have settled if the food/drink was cleaned immediately after pouring.

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